It’s the first time, Transgenders’ fundamental rights have been considered in legal way. The present condition of Transgender is really pity, be it health , education or shelter condition. Most of them stay at clumsy and unhygienic place. The reason behind this is the unacceptability by the society and monetary challenges faced by them. They are deprived of proper education too. In absence of education and basic knowledge, they dance in some function or attend some condolence meet to earn their living. However, as per the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Rules, 2020, a List of welfare schemes have been intrioduced which are now to be considered. This include health, education, housing etc.
1. Access to health
- At least one government hospital in every State shall be equipped to offer safe and free gender affirming surgery, counselling and hormone replacement therapy to the transgender community including all MTF and FTM procedures. This is really significant that, surgery has been made free.
- State medical insurance shall cover procedures of SRS, hormonal therapy, laser therapy, counselling and other health issues of transgender persons at private hospitals
- medical insurance/arogyashri cards.
- All healthcare facilities should ensure that that there are separate wards for transgender persons.
2. Access to education
Education is always an integral part of the development. Transgender community has always been a supressed community. Due to lack of education, they couldn’t grow in right direction.
- Scholarship for transgender students.
- Inclusive and equitable quality education in schools that fosters respect for equality and gender diversity.
- Protection against ragging in educational institutions with provisions for grievance redressal.
- Facilitation of accommodation and schooling for transgender, gender non conforming and intersex children in residential government schools and universities.
3. Access to housing:
It’s the first time, concern has been shown regarding their shelter.
- Affordable housing.
- Shelters and community centres for at risk transgender youth that provides nutritious food and counselling.
- Access to sanitation facilities and safe drinking water.
4. Welfare measures
- Universal access to food security schemes and provision of ration cards.
- Pension for aged, disabled or other vulnerable transgender persons.
- Old age and retirement homes for transgender persons facing housing exclusion.
- Public transport to have harassment-free zones for transgender persons.
5. Economic support
- Universal coverage of Life Insurance.
- Access to banking and financial services including loans.
- Explicit inclusion of transgender persons in employment guarantee schemes such as MNREGA and all social security schemes.
- Formation into self help groups for livelihood activities.
- Provisions of zero-interest and other micro-finance schemes.
It will be treat to ones eyes if these welfare schemes are properly implemented at the ground level. Hope, this won’t become a wish list. All the stake holders must come together to work closely so that these schemes can be successfully executed.